
What is Articulation?

Articulation is the process for selecting your courses for next year, building the school's master schedule, and getting your individual schedule. You will need to fill out your articulation card and work with your counselor to determine the best courses for you to take next year based on your academic needs and placement and your artistic major or pre-major.


Students: Choose classes to take for next year based on academic and artistic requirements (high school students need to select courses that will meet graduation and post-secondary requirements).

    • Complete Articulation Worksheet
    • Speak with teachers about proper placement in next year's classes; get approval signatures as needed

Counselors: Meet with students to review course requests and enter final requests into PowerSchool.

    • Complete credit checks to determine best placement of students
    • Meets with students to review course requests
    • Finalize course requests in powerschool

Teachers: Check student requests and make recommendations for placement before and after requests are entered into PowerSchool.

    • Meet with students to determine best placement for next years courses in their discipline.
    • Reviews course requests for department and makes recommendations for changes.

Parents: Discuss course selection with students and counselor if need be.

Master Schedule Committee: Works to determine courses that are offered, the proces of articulation, and the placement of classes in periods using PowerSchool.

    • Works with departments to develop scope and sequence and course offerings for next year.
    • Revises articulation cards and process.
    • Reviews, with input from departments, placement of classes in the schedule.


  • February-March: Students request courses, counselors input requests, teachers approve requests, and modifications are made from requests.
  • April-May: The master schedule for the school is built, final courses are determined, and individual student schedules are created.
  • June-Sept: Schedules are adjusted as necessary and class sections are closed or opened as needed.

Course Catalog

The course catalog will help you select your courses for next year. Click on the links below to see what courses will be offered in each subject area; some courses are required and some you can choose as electives. Choose your courses based on grade-level, prerequisites, past grades, and teacher recommendation. Use the articulation worksheet that will be given to you to help you plan your courses.

Academic Courses

Arts Courses

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • Can I change my major?

Yes. Students who want to change their major must get the approval of current major, audition and be accepted into new major, and have the Artistic Director's approval for change. This is to ensure that the student is making an informed decision. While we don't want students to flit between art forms and want them to develop a depth of knowledge in a particular art program, we also understand that students have talents in other programs of study and/or rapidly acquire skill in another program and which to study that instead.

  • What if I can't take the correct arts class for my program?

Sometimes graduation requirements or scheduling conflicts prevent you from taking your intended courses. Please be in contact with your arts teachers and your counselor for how to resolve this issue.

  • What if I am in the wrong class and/or don't have the correct class?

If you feel that you are in the wrong course for your grade-level and/or skill, talk to your teacher and counselor immediately after noticing the error on your schedule.

  • What if I fail a class?

If you fail a class, you may need to repeat it the following year, take the course online if it is available, or take the course during summer school. This is to ensure that you fulfill graduation requirements as well as keep your GPA high for post-secondary opportunities.

  • What if the course I selected is no longer offered?

Courses must have a minimum enrollment for the course to be scheduled. While you may have elected to take the course, not enough students did. You should have chosen an alternate course that you will be automatically scheduled into if your primary course is not offered. If you do not see your alternate course in your schedule, talk to your counselor.

  • What if I have a conflict between courses? Why can't I take both?

Sometimes you have to choose between two courses because they are offered at the same time or other requirements don't allow you to take the course during a different period. Often students must choose a priority. This is a tough decision that requires thought and discussion with teachers, counselors, and family. Make the best decision you can based on your post-secondary plans.

  • What if I don't want to take the course anymore?

It depends on when you make this decision. If school has not started, speak with your counselor about the change and why. You may be able to change your schedule, but this is dependent on if your schedule allows for it and if there is room available in the alternate course. Once school has started, you have a two week window to drop the course in lieu of another one as long as your counselor, teacher, you, and your family are in agreement. This is dependent on whether or not your schedule allows for the change and if there is room available in the alternate course. After two weeks, you are unable to initate a change in schedule: the change must come from a teacher or counselor and only for very specific reasons.

  • Why should I take AP, Honors, or Advanced courses?

If you are planning on attending a 4 year university, it is beneficial to take an Advanced, Honors, or AP course, especially in the area you wish to study (e.g. Math, Science, English, History, Art). This is because these courses mimic college level rigor, requirements, pacing, and content. If you are planning on attending a conservatory or arts focused school, an art-related AP course (AP Studio Art, AP Music Theory, AP Art History) are great supplements to your exisiting artisitc knowledge and also prepare you for the rigor and content you will receive. Some colleges/univsersities no longer use weighted GPAs, so taking an AP, Honors, or Advanced course does not necessarily make you more competitive for the application process, but will definitely prepare you for what it is like taking courses in college, university, or conservatory. This preparation and experience will help ease the transition that many students face. In addition, the depth in thinking, analysis, and communication found in AP, Honors, and Advanced courses challenge you to grow and become a better scholar, citizen, professional, and artist.

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